A Centrepiece for Fall

A Centrepiece for Fall

The last of the dishes are still in the drying rack beside my sink and it rained all day so we played board games and watched the Sound of Music; not because it was too cold to go out and play but because we wanted to just sit and rest and be quiet. It was a 180 from yesterday’s crowded table full of turkey and stuffing, our first time hosting Thanksgiving Dinner. I made gravy for the first time, and stuffing. And it all seemingly turned out - and mike and I navigated the kitchen together with minimal collisions - which is never easy to do when you have more than one cook in the kitchen.

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Thrifty Finds, Episode Three: The Secrets of Thrifting

I often have people say to me “but I can’t find that kind of stuff at thrift stores” or “we don’t have thrift stores like that around here!” But I’m telling you, the thrift store industry is a 4 billion dollar a year industry; there are stores out there! You just need to develop an eye for recognizing the quality finds.

In episode three I share three secrets for honing in on this thrift skill; plus I also share my first ever memorable find - i’ve had it since I was 13 years old!!

I hope you enjoy - let me know what you think by leaving me a message in the comments section either on this post or the video! And please, I would love it if you would subscribe to my channel.

Happy Thrifting!!

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Moss Terrariums

October first and as I write this the geese are flying low overhead honking to each other as they keep that v-formation. They seem to know exactly when my internal barometer is just precisely ready to embrace the cooler mornings, the chilly evenings, the dulling landscape of the marshes on the outskirts of the river.

This is the first true season change for us on this little hill; we moved in at the end of May as so I barely noticed as we slipped from Spring into Summer because I was so consumed with all things unpacking.

In our efforts to take a bit of this past season with us into the winter, we made a few moss terrariums. I had of course seen the idea on the internet; i immediately liked the idea of a bit of green bottled from our backyard; a little bit of a reminder next February, when the days are snowy and edging on infinite, that hope springs eternal; and that even when it seems like the world has stopped spinning and left us in the dead of winter, the hard work has started behind the scenes and before we know it, we’ll be sitting on a carpet of green again, staring up into the canopy of leaves that bring us so many stories.

This was a very easy activity for pre-schoolers. I used tin foil pans and laid out the ingredients for the jars on the table. I completed one so June could see the order (although she did end up laying the items in a bit of a mishmash and I’m sure that’s ok too; the nice thing about moss is isn’t too picky). My 1.5 year old loved playing with the pan of pebbles. All around it was a great activity for all ages. If you don’t have moss in your area (or access to a park where you can take a small square from), you can order it on etsy (cant you just everything on there!)

What you will need:

  1. Clear glass jar (I used mason jars)

  2. Pebbles - I found a bag of aquarium gravel in the pet section that worked nicely

  3. Soil

  4. Moss

  5. Rocks or trinkets to decorate it.


I saw some tutorials that recommended a glass cleaner for the inside of the jars to prevent fogging. Some other tutorials also recommended using charcoal, the kind you use in fish tanks to help with added filtration.

I have read a few different pieces advice concerning care for the terrariums. We are going to keep the lid on ours and water it once a week. I’ll let you know if this works.


Emily Anne

Thrifty Finds, Episode 2: Washing Thrifted Wool

Thrifty Finds, Episode 2: Washing Thrifted Wool

Sometimes the idea of going into a thrift store and buying used clothing can be off-putting. Especially when you think of it sitting in someone else’s basement or attic (or in our case a Tupperware bin under the stairs). But buying used clothing has so many benefits - especially in my opinion when it comes to valuable pieces like wool. Wool sweaters are time consuming to make and the cost of wool itself isn’t cheap. And they last! Which is why you can find so many good quality wool sweaters used. It’s obvious when searching thrift racks, the beautiful quality of wool next to cast off shirts and sweaters made from synthetics that are not built to last (think so many of those over-priced and high cost stores on the top floor of the mall).

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